Monday 21 December 2020

Laurie (portrait)


Laurie was apparently photographed by David Bailey at the latter's Grays Inn Road studio early this century and the monochrome image of a naked Laurie appeared in a book of Bailey's pictures. Not one I possess, however, and I do have quite a number of Bailey's books, mostly comprising females, eg the Shrimp etc, not compromising males with  their dongs on show. Stunt actor Roy Scammel was actually booked by Bailey (who wanted ordinary looking blokes for the nude shots), and Roy brought Laurie along for the ride. Laurie ended up being photographed by Bailey who paid him by signing one of the pictures he had taken and giving it to him. Now Laurie wants to give me the signed photograph as a Christmas present. But I don't want it. I have never photographed Laurie with view to publishing his portrait professionally. That all ends with the appearance of the above expressionist composite. Below is a detail using alternate colouring. My only portrait of the subject.

An°nym°us Self P°rtrait